The Board of Directors shall elect the Nomination Committee (“the Committee”) members from amongst themselves, comprising exclusively of Non-Executive Directors, a majority of whom are Independent Directors and number at least three (3) in total. The appointment of a Committee member terminates when the member ceases to be a Director, or as determined by the Board.

The Chairman of the Committee shall be an Independent Non-Executive Director or Senior Independent Non-Executive Director appointed by the Board. In the absence of the Chairman, the members present shall elect a Chairman for the meeting from amongst themselves.


  1. The Committee shall meet at least once a year. More meetings may be conducted if the need arises. The quorum for a meeting of the Nomination Committee shall be two (2) members, present in person, both of whom must be Independent Directors. In the absence of the Chairman, the members present shall elect a Chairman for the meeting from amongst the members present.
  2. Only members of the Committee have the right to attend Committee meetings. However, other individuals such as the Chief Executive Officer, the head of human resources and external advisers may be invited to attend for all or part of any meeting, as and when appropriate and necessary.
  3. The Nomination Committee members may participate in a meeting of by means of a telephone conference or video conference or any other means of audio-visual communications and the person shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting and shall be entitled to vote or be counted in a quorum accordingly.
  4. The Company Secretary or his/her representative or other appropriate senior officer shall act as secretary of the Committee and shall be responsible, in conjunction with the Chairman, for drawing up the agenda and circulating it, supported by explanatory documentation to Committee members prior to each meeting.
  5. The Company Secretary or his/her representative or other appropriate senior officer shall also be in attendance at each Committee meetings and responsible for keeping the minutes of meetings of the Committee, and circulating them to Committee members and to the other members of the Board of Directors.
  6. A resolution in writing, signed by all the members of the Committee, shall be as effectual as if it has been passed at a meeting of the Committee duly convened and held. Any such resolution may consist of several documents in like form, each signed by one or more Committee members.


The Committee is authorised by the Board to seek appropriate professional advice inside and outside the Group at the Company’s expense, as and when it considers necessary in the discharge of its responsibilities.


The primary objective of the Committee is act as a committee of the full Board to assist in discharging the Board’s responsibilities in the following areas:-

  1. Proposing new nominees for the Board of the Company and/or its subsidiaries (the “Group”) – the actual decision as to who shall be nominated shall be the responsibility of the full Board after considering the recommendations of the Committee;
  2. Assessing the effectiveness of Directors of the Group on an ongoing basis;
  3. Reviewing the effectiveness of the CEO and Chief Financial Officer and other senior executive officers;
  4. Assessing the size and composition of the Board of Directors; and
  5. Reviewing the Board’s corporate governance principles of the Group.


The duties of the Committee shall be to:-

  1. recommend to the Board, candidates for all directorships. In making the recommendations, the Committee should also consider candidates proposed by the CEO and within the bounds of practicability, by any other senior executive, Director or shareholder. The Committee shall also utilise independent services to identify suitably qualified candidates. In making its recommendations, the Committee shall assess and consider the candidates’:-
    • skills, knowledge, expertise and experience;
    • commitment (including time commitment) to effectively discharge his/her role as a Director;
    • professionalism;
    • merit and against objective criteria with due regard for the benefits of boardroom diversity including gender, age and ethnicity, experience, cultural background, skill, character, integrity and competence;
    • in the case of candidates for the position of Independent Non-Executive Directors, the Committee shall also evaluate the candidates’ ability to discharge such responsibilities/functions as are expected from Independent Non-Executive Directors; and
    • in considering independence, it is necessary to focus not only a Director’s background and current activities qualify him or her as independent but also whether the Director can act independently of management.

  2. Make recommendations to the Board for the appointment of the Chairman, CEO and Senior Independent Director, including an assessment of the time commitment expected and recognising the need for availability in the event of crises;

  3. Develop, maintain and review the criteria to be used in the recruitment process and annual assessment of Directors. The nomination and the election process should be disclosed in the Annual Report;

  4. Review the Board’s succession plans;

  5. Assess annually the independence of its Independent Directors. This activity shall be disclosed in the Annual Report of the Company and in any notice of a general meeting for the appointment and re-appointment of Independent Directors;

  6. Recommend to the Board the Company’s gender, age, experience and ethnicity diversity policies, targets and discuss measures to be taken to meet those targets;

  7. Recommend to the Board protocol for accepting new directorships;

  8. Review, at least once a year, its own performance, constitution and Terms of Reference to ensure it is operating at maximum effectiveness and recommend any changes it considers necessary to the Board for approval;

  9. Recommend to the Board, Directors to fill the seats on Board Committees;

  10. Assess annually the effectiveness of the Board as a whole, the Committees of the Board and the contribution of each individual Director including his time commitment, character, experience and integrity vide a formal and objective assessment. All assessments and evaluations carried out by the Committee in the discharge of all its functions shall be properly documented. The Nomination Committee may engage a professional, experienced and independent party to facilitate the Board evaluation and ensure the Board is assessed holistically. When an independent third party is used to carry out Board evaluation, the Board should also disclose the identity of the third party.

  11. Assess the training needs of each Director, review the fulfilment of such training, and disclose details in the Annual Report as appropriate;

  12. Consider the size of the Board with a view to determine the impact of the number upon the Board’s effectiveness and recommend it to the Board;

  13. Review the character, experience, integrity, competence and time to effectively discharge the roles of Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer*;

  14. Facilitate Board induction programme for newly appointed Directors;

  15. Consider and recommend the Directors for re-election/re-appointment at each Annual General Meeting;

  16. Consider and recommend the Independent Directors beyond nine (9) years for continuation in office, having due regard to their performance and ability to continue to contribute to the Board in the light of knowledge, skills and experience required; and

  17. Assess annually the term of office and performance of the Audit Committee and each of its members to determine whether such Audit Committee and members have carried out their duties in accordance with their Terms of Reference.


    The Chairman of the Committee shall report to the Board on its proceedings after each meeting on all matters with its duties and responsibilities.

    The Committee shall make whatever recommendation to the Board it deems appropriate or any area within its remit where action or improvement is needed.

    The Committee shall produce a report to be included in the Company’s Annual Report about its activities in the discharge of its duties and the process used to make appointments and explain if external advice or open advertising has not been used.


    The Chairman of the Committee should attend the Annual General Meeting to answer any shareholder questions on the Committee’s activities.

    8. MINUTES

    The minutes of meetings of the Committee shall be circulated to all members of the Board. The minutes shall be kept at the registered office of the Company under the custody of the Secretary of the Company and shall be open for inspection by the Board. Any request by Management or other persons to inspect the minutes shall be subject to the approval of the Committee.


    • Any revision or amendment to this Terms of Reference, as proposed by the Committee or any third party, shall first be presented to the Board for its approval. Upon the Board’s approval, the said revision or amendment shall form part of this Terms of Reference and this Terms of Reference shall be considered duly revised or amended.

    This Terms of Reference for the Nomination Committee was first adopted by the Board on 21 November 2017 and was reviewed and approved by the Board on 26 November 2020.

    *Definition of:-

    Chief executive - means the principal executive officer of the corporation for the time being, by whatever name called, and whether or not he is a director.

    Chief financial officer - means the person primarily responsible for the management of the financial affairs of the corporation (such as record keeping, financial planning and financial reporting), by whatever name called.